In the middle of that week, a Wednesday morning, Istanbul was deeply gloomy. There was a cataclysmic sight, which was like a home or a family that just got out of the catastrophe. People were walking with their heads bowed so that they wouldn’t see …
Should we judge historical figures by the morality of today? 7th June 2020 was not an ordinary Sunday in Bristol, UK. A group of people consisting mostly of anti-racism protestors pulled down a statue of Edward Colston, rolled it down one of the principal city …
An Ancient Annoyance: Baldness
Julius Caesar’s secret agony lay under his laurel: His glittering scalp motivated him to have an illusion styling at hair-loss, which in turn gained him a variety of laurels each of which aimed to seduce Cleopatra. Probably, Caesar first built a rapport with her queen out of the beauties in petals…
Rhufain Ruhları
Çoğu efsane varoluşun ilk yıllarında, Dünya barış, refah, güzellik ve huzurla doluyken yaşayan kadim varlıklar olan Deamlerden bahseder. Derler ki bu Deamler’i bir kere gören kişi onları asla unutamazmış ancak hepsi onları farklı bir şekilde anlatırmış.
I regretted the thoughts in my brain. Forcefully, I tried to make everything make sense. All the questions coming up, trying to fit under a “common tent.” Coming from a combination of backgrounds, intellectual identities, emotional belongings, and unexpunged independence, I was feeling in an …
Evrimin Kısa Tarihi
Bugün(12 Şubat) Charles Darwin’ in doğum günü ve Darwin Günü olarak anılmakta. Biz de Charles Darwin’ in yaptığı çalışmaların biyolojiye olan katkılarını anlatacağımız ve sosyal bilimler alanında Evrim Teorisinin dönemsel etkilerini inceleyeceğimiz bu yazı dizisine bir giriş yapmak istedik. Şimdiden keyifli okumalar.